Turkish Airlines Assessments

Prepare for the Turkish Airlines recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

About Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines first took to the skies all the way back in 1933. Their corporate headquarters and main hub reside in Istanbul's Ataturk airport. People are often surprised, when considering their Middle Eastern powerhouse competition, that Turkish airlines are the largest mainline carrier in the world by number of passenger destinations.

The airline serves more destinations non-stop from a single airport than any other airline in the world, and flies to 126 countries which is also more than any other airline. Turkey is proud to have them as their flag carrier.

Their core values are:

  • Honesty and Fair Dealing
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Demonstrating Respect to Individuals
  • Innovation
  • Team Work
  • Leadership
  • Productivity
  • Confidentiality
  • "Open Door" Policy

Turkish Airlines Application Process

Applying for a job at Turkish Airlines is an exciting opportunity to join one of the world's largest and fastest-growing airlines.

The application process for jobs with the airline can be completed online, and applicants should prepare to provide details about their experience, skills, qualifications and other relevant information to demonstrate why they are best suited for the position.

Turkish Airlines Online Application

The first step in applying for a job with Turkish Airlines is to create a profile on their website which includes uploading your CV or resume.

You will also need to provide contact details such as an email address and telephone number so that employers can get in touch if they decide you are suitable for the role. Once your profile has been created, you can then browse through available positions and apply directly using the website. You will then receive an automated confirmation message that your application has been successfully submitted.

Turkish Airlines Aptitude Tests

As part of the hiring process, you may be sent a series of online assessments to complete. These assessments are important to practice and prepare for beforehand to ensure you score the highest marks.

Turkish Airlines English Language Test

English language tests are a form of assessment used to evaluate an individual's ability to use the English language. They are designed to measure the proficiency level of a learner in all areas of English, including reading, writing, listening and speaking.

The main objective of these assessments is to determine how well an individual can understand and use the English language both orally and written in their chosen role. These tests typically include tasks such as multiple-choice questions, essay-writing exercises and audio recordings that must be spoken back in order to test pronunciation skills.

Turkish Airlines Personality Test

Personality tests are a popular tool used to assess and understand individual personalities.

The format of these tests is usually comprised of multiple-choice questions, asking participants to rate themselves on certain traits or behaviors. Personality testing is used for a wide range of roles, from cabin crew and customer service to technical maintenance and pilots. It can be helpful for the airline to understand how their employees think.

Generally speaking, there are five basic factors that are taken into account when categorizing an individual's personality: extraversion/introversion; openness/closedness; conscientiousness; agreeableness; and neuroticism. In many personality tests the structure involves answering questions based on how much each question applies to them as individuals.

Turkish Airlines Situational judgment Test

A Situational Judgement Test (SJT) is an assessment method used by Turkish Airlines to evaluate a candidate's ability to deal with workplace scenarios. Essentially, the test presents hypothetical situations and asks the candidate how they would handle them. The SJT format typically consists of a series of questions that ask candidates to rate various responses or choose which ones they believe are most appropriate in certain situations.

The structure of an SJT can vary depending on the job or profession it is designed for, however it usually comprises a set of multiple-choice questions. In each question, the candidate must select one or more responses from a list of options that best reflect their opinion on how to handle the particular situation presented. Turkish Airlines use this type of test as part of their recruitment process as it allows them to gauge how potential employees may react when faced with typical workplace challenges.

Turkish Airlines Competency Test

A competency test is an assessment tool that is used to measure the knowledge, skills and abilities of a person. It is often used by employers to determine if someone is suitable for a certain role or position. The format and structure of a competency test will vary depending on the position being assessed; however, most tests involve a combination of written questions, interviews and practical assessments.

The purpose of a competency test is to identify the areas where an individual can improve to become more successful in their job. This type of testing allows employers to accurately assess someone's ability for specific roles before making a hiring decision.

Turkish Airlines Pilot Tests

For those applying to become a pilot, you may be asked to participate in a range of pilot-specific aptitude tests such as:

Turkish Airlines Interviews

An interview can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with the right preparation, it can be something you look forward to. It's important to take the time to research and get ready for your interview ahead of time in order to ensure success.

The Turkish Airlines interview lasted approximately one hour. You'll be asked a range of questions about the company, your motivations to work there and specific questions about your experience. It's important to familiarize yourself with the company's mission statement, ongoing projects and values so that you can speak intelligently when asked questions during your interview.

Additionally, practice responding to common questions related to the position such as why did you apply and what qualities do you bring? Having rehearsed answers will help alleviate any potential anxiety or nervousness during the meeting.

They will also ask behavioral-based questions to assess how well you interact with others and handle challenging situations.

The goal is to get a better understanding of how you think and how you interact with colleagues and customers. By assessing these factors, employers can make informed decisions about which candidates are best suited to their organization's needs.

Sample Turkish Airlines Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

After observing a sequence of passenger ticket bookings, you notice that the number of tickets doubles every month starting from January, when there were 120 bookings. How many bookings are expected in April?

  • 240 bookings
  • 480 bookings
  • 960 bookings
  • 1920 bookings

If a plane travels from Istanbul to New York, a distance of 5,000 miles, at an average speed of 500 miles per hour, how long will the flight take?

  • 8 hours
  • 10 hours
  • 12 hours
  • 15 hours

During a safety inspection, a grounding issue is found on an aircraft's electrical system. What would be the most immediate action to ensure passenger safety?

  • Postpone the flight and inspect the entire electrical system.
  • Allow the plane to fly at a lower altitude.
  • Increase the number of in-flight safety announcements.
  • Switch off in-flight entertainment systems to save power.

Which word best completes the following sentence? In order to maintain __________ communication with air traffic control, pilots must use standardized aviation phrases.

  • Efficient
  • Redundant
  • Intermittent
  • Clear

A first officer calculates that the remaining fuel will allow the aircraft to fly for another 2.5 hours at a burn rate of 5,500 pounds per hour. What is the total amount of fuel remaining?

  • 12,000 pounds
  • 13,750 pounds
  • 14,500 pounds
  • 15,250 pounds

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Turkish Airlines Assessments Tips

Know Your Destination

Aspiring to join the prestigious ranks of Turkish Airlines? Familiarize yourself with the airline's unique routes and history. A quick brush-up on Turkish Airlines, which has the honor of serving more countries than any other, might just give you the conversational edge you need during the interview process. Remember, understanding the company's legacy and operations could reflect your genuine interest and compatibility with their esteemed culture.

Simulate The Real Thing

Dive into the practice exams here on Careerroo exactly as if you’re in the actual assessment at Turkish Airlines' headquarters. That means finding a quiet environment, setting a timer, and even dressing the part if it helps you get in the zone. The more you mimic the actual test conditions, the less intimidating it’ll feel on the big day.

Analyze Your Results

After each practice exam, take a moment to review every answer – right or wrong. Reflecting on the reasoning behind your choices helps you understand your thinking patterns and where you might be second-guessing yourself. Use the detailed explanations provided by Careerroo to guide your study sessions and sharpen your test-taking strategies.

Stay Relaxed and Ready

Avoid cramming the night before your test with Turkish Airlines. Instead, ensure you’re well-rested and have had a nutritious meal. A clear mind and a comfortable body are your secret weapons. After all, you want to ensure your focus is flying high during the exam, just like the planes you hope to be working with.

Believe In Your Flight Path

Confidence can make a significant difference in your performance. Visualizing success is not just a daydream; it's a strategy used by professionals around the world. Envision yourself acing the test and landing the job at Turkish Airlines, and let this positive mindset fuel your preparation and performance.

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  • 8 Aptitude packages
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Turkish Airlines Assessments FAQs

What is the format of the Turkish Airlines assessment?

The assessment consists of multiple choice questions specific to skills required for the role you've applied for. It will test your ability to think logically and work through problem-solving tasks in role-specific scenarios.

How can I prepare for the Turkish Airlines assessment?

You should be sure to brush up on any relevant skills or knowledge that could come in handy during the assessment. Practicing free test questions can be a useful start.

What skills are valued by Turkish Airlines?

The airline values personnel who demonstrate strong communication, problem-solving, interpersonal, and organizational skills. It also looks for individuals who are self-motivated and able to work independently as well as part of a team. A successful candidate should be highly organized and capable of dealing with multiple tasks at once in order to ensure smooth operations.

What happens if I fail the Turkish Airlines assessment?

If you have applied for a position at Turkish Airlines, you might be wondering what will happen if you fail the assessment. It's important to understand that this doesn't mean your career aspirations are over. In fact, there are still plenty of options when it comes to getting another job in the aviation industry.

The first thing to do after failing an assessment is to take stock and reflect on what went wrong. It's likely that there were some areas where you weren't as well prepared or didn't perform as well as expected. Take time to review these areas and work on improving them so that if the opportunity arises again, you can make sure your performance is better than before.