Ryanair Assessments

Prepare for the Ryanair recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

About Ryanair

Ryanair is Europe's largest low-cost airline with key bases in both Dublin and London Stansted airports.

The Irish company was founded in 1984 and since then has grown exponentially to offer flights to 200 destinations in 40 countries around Europe, as well as North Africa and the Middle East.

Ryanair primarily flies passengers in Boeing 737-800 aircrafts and has a fleet of over 400 of these planes.

Transporting over 50 million passengers annually is no mean feat, so Ryanair employs a staff of 19,000 people to ensure everything from the company's marketing right through to the safety of the flights is taken care of.

Changing the face of flying thanks to their low cost, no-frills model, Ryanair is one of the most innovative airlines out there and joining the cabin crew is a fantastic opportunity for those wanting to work in the aviation industry.

Ryanair Application Process

The Ryanair application process involves multiple stages including assessments, personality tests, phone calls and interviews, so it's important to make sure you're fully committed to the process and the length of time it may take.

At each stage, Ryanair recruiters will assess how well you did and decide whether you can progress to the next part of the process.

Since the pandemic, Ryanair has moved to a primarily virtual recruitment process.

Ryanair Online Application

The online application is your first chance to sell yourself and make a good impression on Ryanair's recruiters.

The online application form aims to gather as much relevant information as possible from every candidate. You'll be asked to share details of your education and previous employment so recruiters can determine how much experience you have.

You'll also be asked whether you believe you match the character requirements for cabin crew. This includes being confident and outgoing, friendly, and able to keep calm in difficult situations.

There will also be a short section of yes/no questions to check you're able to take on the role if you're hired. These include your right to work in the EU, ability to meet the physical demands of the job and whether you have a criminal record.

Ryanair Aptitude Tests

The online assessments are a crucial part of the recruitment process as they examine whether you have the necessary skills to work in a busy, unpredictable and sometimes stressful cabin.

As well as assessments to better understand your character and personality, there is also a verbal reasoning test designed to determine how strong your English and comprehension skills are, and a situational judgement test that aims to see how well you'd cope with hypothetical situations on a Ryanair aircraft.

To move to the next stage of the recruitment process, you'll need to show you possess the relevant skills and strengths in each assessment. The best way to set yourself up for success is to try and practise as many mock tests as you can to increase your speed, skills and confidence. It really could make all the difference.

Ryanair Verbal Reasoning Tests

The verbal reasoning test will be set to ensure your communication skills are as good as they need to be to meet the demands of a busy cabin.

In this timed test, you'll be given short passages of text to read, before being asked a series of multiple-choice questions on what you've just read. You'll also be asked to identify synonyms, antonyms and analogies.

Taking some mock verbal reasoning tests beforehand is a great way to feel comfortable with the type of questions you might be asked and gives you the opportunity to brush up on any weaker areas you may identify.

Ryanair Situational Judgement Tests

Situational judgement tests assess how well people are likely to cope with challenges specific to working in the cabin of an aircraft helps Ryanair recruiters gauge whether you're the right type of character for the job.

You'll be given a hypothetical scenario to read through, before a possible scale of multiple choice answers. Your task is to order the responses to reflect how you personally would act or behave in that situation.

While keeping the company's values and objectives in mind is helpful, it's important to answer honestly. Training to become cabin crew is a long process and it's important for both you and Ryanair that the people likely to excel at the job are ultimately the people that get hired.

Ryanair Personality Tests

Personality tests are yet another good indicator of whether you display the character traits that tend to mean you'll be an effective member of the cabin crew.

Similar in style to the situational judgement test, you'll need to read through various statements and select responses in accordance to what sounds most or least like you.

Again, honesty is essential in this test, but it's also worth having a think about what kind of character you need to effectively deal with customers on a day-to-day basis.

Ryanair HR Phone Call

If you do well on the tests, you'll be invited to have a phone call with Ryanair HR.

This call is essentially a screening before final interviews. It gives Ryanair the chance to ask any questions they may have after reviewing your online application and assessment results. You can expect to answer questions on your background and verify the information you've provided so far.

This call is more of a formality than an in-depth interview. If you pass the call, you'll be invited to a final interview.

Ryanair Final Interviews

Pre-pandemic you'd have been invited to join an assessment centre where you'd take part in numerous group activities and face-to-face interviews.

If you're invited to an assessment centre you can expect to be asked to take part in or complete:

  • An English test, as well as multiple skills tests
  • Group activities that seek to better understand the role you take within a team, and whether you exhibit leadership qualities
  • A presentation
  • A final interview

Currently, this is more likely to look like a virtual interview with a hiring manager, or panel of people.

In this final interview, you have one last chance to sell your expertise, relevant experience, passion for the job and unique qualities to Ryanair, and make them see what a valuable part of the team you'd become.

As well as answering any final questions they may have, you should also come with a few questions of your own prepared. This will show that you're engaged, interested and excited to potentially become a member of Ryanair's cabin crew.

Sample Ryanair Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

How does the passage characterize the airline's personnel management?

The airline has always put great emphasis on its team, providing competitive remuneration and a dynamic working environment. With extensive training and clear pathways for career progression, the company has fostered a culture of excellence and innovation among its workforce.

  • Personnel are given minimal training to save costs on professional development.
  • The airline prioritizes competitive salaries and a stimulating work atmosphere to encourage a culture of excellence.
  • The atmosphere of innovation at the company is hindered by the lack of staff training opportunities.
  • Career progression is limited, leading to high turnover rates among the company's personnel.

After reading the passage, which statement best summarizes the company's growth trajectory?

The airline began with a modest fleet, focusing primarily on short-haul flights. With a commitment to low fares and punctual service, it quickly expanded its operations, establishing new routes and increasing the frequency of its flights. The company has consistently invested in its fleet, recognizing the importance of modern, fuel-efficient aircraft to maintain its cost leadership in a highly competitive market.

  • The company has slowly expanded its fleet and services without emphasizing cost or efficiency.
  • Investment in the fleet and punctual service were key to becoming a market leader, despite the industry's competition.
  • The company remained focused on long-haul flights only and did not prioritize expanding the frequency of its flights.
  • By primarily investing in older aircraft models, the company managed to maintain the lowest possible fares.

Based on the passage, what strategy is credited with the companies success in the competitive aviation market?

The airline's approach has always been to prioritize operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. By offering services that reliably meet travelers' needs and responding quickly to market changes, the company has built a reputation for value and dependability. This adaptability has allowed it to thrive even amidst challenging economic conditions.

  • Focusing on luxury travel services to attract high-end customers.
  • Implementing a rigid business model that resists market fluctuations.
  • Prioritizing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction to ensure value and dependability.
  • Limiting its operations to a niche market in order to avoid competition.

What inference can be made about the company's approach to environmental concerns?

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainability within the industry. In response, the airline has revamped its operational strategies to reduce carbon emissions. This includes the integration of technologically advanced aircraft with better fuel economy and the implementation of more efficient flight patterns.

  • The company has ignored environmental concerns in order to keep costs at a minimum.
  • To address environmental issues, the airline has phased out its entire fleet for electric planes.
  • The airline has actively pursued improvements in fuel economy and operational efficiency as a response to sustainability concerns.
  • The company considers sustainability a temporary trend and has not altered its operational strategies.

Which conclusion is supported by the details in the passage?

The company has focused on building a robust route network that complements its operational ethos of 'Always getting better'. This has involved not only expanding geographically but also improving the end-to-end customer experience from booking to arrival, and continuously seeking feedback to fine-tune its services.

  • The company is reducing its network and focusing on a small number of high-quality routes.
  • Ongoing improvement in all aspects of the customer experience is a key part of the company's ethos.
  • Feedback from customers is disregarded as it does not align with the company's expansion goals.
  • The airline is only focused on expanding geographically, with customer experience being a secondary concern.

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Ryanair Assessments Tips

Know Your Flight Plan

Just as a pilot wouldn't take off without a flight plan, you shouldn't dive into these exams without knowing what they entail. Get familiar with the types of questions and formats you'll encounter in the Ryanair application tests. At Careerroo, we've got the study materials that mirror the real deal.

Practice Makes Perfect Landings

While we can't guarantee perfect weather, we can ensure your practice sessions with Careerroo are as close to Ryanair's actual tests as can be. Regular practice can help fine-tune your skills, build confidence, and make sure you’re ready for any curveballs that come your way.

Time It Like a Timetable

Airlines are all about punctuality, and so are their tests. Time management is key. Learn to allocate your minutes wisely, just as you would manage a flight schedule. With Careerroo's practice exams, you'll get a clear sense of how much time to spend on each question.

Stay Calm in Turbulence

Stress can be a test-taker's biggest nemesis, much like turbulence can be to an uneasy flyer. Work on staying calm under pressure—your ability to maintain composure is something Ryanair will value highly. Deep breaths, mental preparation, and a positive attitude will serve you well.

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Ryanair Assessments FAQs

What are Ryanair's core values?

Ryanair believes in quality and safety as well as acting ethically and transparently. These core values should be reflected in your application and demonstrated throughout the Ryanair hiring process.

Is it possible to fail the Ryanair personality test?

The Ryanair personality test does not provide a pass or fail mark, but rather evaluates your alignment to the company culture and roles.

What questions are typically asked in an interview for a job at Ryanair?

Ryanair interview questions may include inquiries about your work experience, problem-solving abilities, customer service skills, teamwork, and motivation for working with the airline.

How Can I Prepare For The Ryanair Assessments?

You can practice free Ryanair assessments using our online platform. Practicing tests will help you become familiar with the test format and gradually improve your score.