easyJet Assessments

Prepare for the easyJet recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

About easyJet

easyJet is the UK’s largest airline and a FTSE 100 company, focused on the purpose of ‘seamlessly connecting Europe with the warmest welcome in the sky’. The aviation company was established in 1995 to offer low fare flights to consumers across Europe.

It operates a fleet of 342 aircraft and services routes between 154 airports, serving 48 million customers across 35 countries – making it the seventh largest airline in the world. easyJet has a workforce of over 14,000 employees, including over 4,000 pilots and 8,000 members of cabin crew. As a short haul airline, working for easyJet involves variety, with short flights, quick turnarounds and multiple take-offs and landings in a day.

The easyJet fleet consists of modern Airbus A320 family aircraft. These planes are able to fly regular, in-demand routes thanks to easyJet’s valuable slot portfolio – covering many slot-constrained primary airports.

The airline has five core values which support its internal strategy and offering to the public. easyJet is:

  • Safe and responsible
  • On our customers’ side
  • In it together
  • Always efficient
  • Forward thinking

Its operating priorities are to:

  • Be number 1 or 2 at primary airports
  • Win customers’ loyalty
  • Increase value by efficiency
  • Employ the right people
  • Innovate with data

easyJet was awarded Best Short Haul Airline 2020 by the Business Travel Awards and judged the Best Low Cost Airline 2020 by Business Traveller Magazine.

easyJet Application Process

The easyJet application process is multi-stage and involves an initial online application, online psychometric testing and an assessment centre involving non-technical group exercises, a technical assessment and a competency-based interview.

Entry requirements vary according to whether you are applying for a easyJet Captain or Co-Pilot position. The minimum criteria are as follows:

Type Rated Captains: Minimum 4000 flying hours with 1000 pilot-in-command (PIC) hours.

Non-Type Rated Captains: Minimum 4000 flying hours with 1000 PIC hours on jet aircraft over 30T maximum take-off weight (MTOW).

Type Rated Co Pilots: Minimum 500 hours on A320.

Non-Type Rated Co Pilots: Minimum 1000 flying hours with 500 hours on aircraft over 10T MTOW.

Specific job adverts will contain a run down of all necessary requirements for each position. You must meet all the criteria, and be currently operating, in order to apply.

easyJet Online Application

The easyJet online application involves uploading your CV and answering a series of questions. Make sure your CV is up to date and clearly conveys your experience and skills.

When answering the application questions, keep the easyJet core values and business priorities in mind, as well as the responsibilities of the role outlined in the job description. It is important to convey early on that you possess the key competencies sought and are aligned with the easyJet culture.

Once you have submitted your online application, if you are applying for a co-pilot role, you will receive a link to complete two online psychometric assessments.

If you are expressing interest in joining as an easyJet captain, you will be invited straight to an assessment centre session.

easyJet Cabin Crew

Cabin crew will need to check easyJet's minimum requirements for the role, which are very specific. Here are just a few:

  • Height between 157-190cm (5'2-6'3).
  • Can swim 25m and tread water for at least one minute.
  • Can fit comfortably in the jump seat.
  • All piercings and tattoos can be covered.

You will have to pass a health and fitness test before you can start your employment and other requirements are checked, for example, your height will be measured at the assessment centre. These requirements are to ensure that you are able to take on the responsibility of an emergency situation and keep yourself and your passengers safe.

easyJet Aptitude Tests

To evaluate their suitability for easyJet, candidates are required to sit psychometric ability assessments, which test numerical and verbal reasoning skills. These tests are timed and in multiple choice format. No aids, such as a calculator or dictionary, are permitted.

To achieve a high score, candidates will need to answer the questions quickly and accurately. Adequate preparation, through taking practise papers and familiarising yourself with the format, style and content of the questions, is recommended.

easyJet Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning test assesses your ability to interpret numerical data. You will be presented with information in the form of graphs, charts and tables, and be required to use this to solve written math problems.

You will need to be able to deal with mathematical concepts such as fractions, percentages, ratios, sequences and basic algebra, and use general arithmetic.

The publisher of the test is Cut-e/AON. The test will have a duration of 12 minutes, with candidates required to answer as many of the 37 questions as possible.

Before the test begins, you will be able to answer a few practise questions to become accustomed to the testing interface.

In preparation for the test, check that your internet connection is stable and your browser has been updated to the latest version – this will reduce the likelihood of any technical difficulties.

easyJet Verbal Reasoning Test

The verbal reasoning test assesses your ability to understand and interpret written information. You will be presented with questions centred around word analogies, word meanings and the potential inferences from given statements.

As with the numerical reasoning test, the test publisher is Cut-e/AON. The test is multiple choice and has a time limit of 12 minutes. It is 49 questions long, but candidates are not expected to complete all the questions posed. Work as quickly as you can through the questions, but don’t sacrifice focus and accuracy in order to complete the test in its entirety.

Again, before the test begins, there will be a few practise questions to answer.

The best way to comprehensively prepare for the reasoning assessments – so you feel confident when sitting the tests – is to complete practise Cut-e/AON assessments. You will need to achieve a high score in both ability tests in order to secure a place in the next stage of the recruitment process, so invest time in honing your numerical and verbal skills.

Once you have completed the online ability tests, your application will be reviewed to ensure you meet the minimum requirements. If you satisfy the experience requirements and pass the psychometric tests, you will receive an invite to an assessment centre day.

easyJet Assessment Centre

You may be invited to attend an assessment centre day in groups of up to 12. The assessment centre session will comprise both technical and non-technical tasks.

You will get to attend presentations about what it is like working for easyJet and network with current crew. It is really important to take advantage of this opportunity to ask any questions you have and show your enthusiasm for the role and company.

For the activities, there are an assortment of group problem solving tasks like case studies, re-designing the airline magazine, and showing sales techniques. easyJet really emphasises teamwork, so they are looking to see how well you deal with the group situation and if you are a team player, rather than getting the right solution.

After lunch, you will find out if you have been chosen for an interview. The questions are separated into categories to focus the interview, you will be asked about your personality and motivations, as well as your work experience, particularly focusing on customer service and sales. easyJet is very focused on in-flight sales and as cabin crew you make a small commission on these sales, so they want to make sure that you have the necessary experience and skills.

The interview is about 40 minutes long, giving you plenty of time to show why you should be hired by them and how you embody the easyJet values, which include: efficiency, loyalty, innovation, responsibility, and customer support

easyJet Non-Technical Assessments

During the assessment centre, pilots will be required to take part in group exercises and attend a competency-based interview. The day will also feature a series of presentations, providing information about working life at easyJet and details about easyJet’s contracts. There will be ample opportunity to ask any outstanding questions you may have about joining easyJet’s ranks.

The group exercises aim to explore your team working skills and behavioural interactions. Ensure you are actively participating in the task and making a valuable contribution but remember the importance of listening to the opinions of others in a group scenario. The best team players are unafraid to sit back, listen and analyse multiple views in order to ascertain the most effective course of action.

The interview will be your first opportunity to directly converse with members of the recruitment team. The interview is competency-based, so will explore the non-technical skills that make you a great fit for the easyJet community. It is important to evidence your competencies and skills using concrete examples. If you suffer from nerves or struggle to keep your answers concise during an interview, keep the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) in mind when structuring your responses.

Remember it is okay to ask for a moment to gather your thoughts if you need it. A considered response, using a strong example from your experience, is much better than a rushed answer lacking in detail.

easyJet Technical Assessment

To gain insight into the technical standard of your flying skills, you will be required to complete a flight simulator assessment. It will also test skills such as spatial orientation, hand-eye coordination and the ability to multi-task. You will be fully briefed before the task, with the opportunity to ask any questions that may arise.

easyJet Online Testing for Captains

If you are applying to easyJet as a captain, you will need to complete an additional step. This will be an online psychometric questionnaire, followed by a video interview. The questionnaire will be a personality test – looking for insight into your behavioural traits, drivers and temperament – to judge whether you have the approach required to excel as a captain. Answer honestly, keeping the easyJet core values in mind.

Although personality questionnaires do not require any previous knowledge, it is sensible to take a few practise tests in preparation. This will ensure you convey an accurate reflection of yourself when completing the assessed questionnaire.

Sample easyJet Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

A pattern of airline ticket sales shows an increase of 5% in the first quarter, a 10% decrease in the second, a 15% increase in the third, and remains stable in the fourth quarter. If 10,000 tickets were sold in the first quarter, how many tickets were sold by the end of the year?

  • 10,450 tickets
  • 10,000 tickets
  • 11,000 tickets
  • 9,500 tickets

If it takes 15 employees to handle baggage for a flight with 180 passengers, how many employees will be needed to efficiently handle baggage for a flight with 300 passengers?

  • 25 employees
  • 20 employees
  • 30 employees
  • 10 employees

During a heavy maintenance check, a certain job requires a force of 180 N to be applied using a spanner. If the effective length of the spanner is 30 cm, what moment does the mechanic need to apply?

  • 54 Nm
  • 60 Nm
  • 5.4 Nm
  • 600 Nm

Assume that an airplane's fuel efficiency is directly proportional to the number of engines running. If flying with four engines generates an efficiency score of 100, what would be the efficiency score when flying with only two engines?

  • 50
  • 200
  • 100
  • 25

Which principle explains the ability of massive airliners to leave the ground during takeoff?

  • Bernoulli's principle
  • Pascal's law
  • Newton's third law
  • Archimedes' principle

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Peter used Careerroo to help him secure a position at easyJet


easyJet Assessments Tips

Get to Know easyJet

Immerse yourself in everything easyJet. Being familiar with the company's culture, values, and goals can give you an edge. Since easyJet is the UK's largest airline, ensure you're well-versed with their mission of 'seamlessly connecting Europe with the warmest welcome in the sky.' Understanding their focus can help you anticipate the kind of scenarios and questions that may be part of your assessment.

Understand the Test Format

Before you dive into practicing, spend some time getting to know the format of the tests you'll face. Understanding the structure of the exams, the type of questions asked, and the time constraints can help reduce anxiety and improve your performance. Head over to Careerroo to get a sense of what's in store with our tailored practice exams that mirror the ones easyJet uses.

Practice Under Exam Conditions

Nothing beats the experience of sitting a practice exam under real test conditions. Check out Careerroo's timed exams to simulate the environment you'll be in. Make sure to practice in a quiet place free from interruptions, and time yourself as if you were in the actual assessment to gain confidence and improve your time management skills.

Review and Reflect

After each practice exam, take the time to go over your answers. Reflecting on what you got right and where you misunderstood questions is a powerful learning tool. Careerroo's practice tests provide detailed explanations, so make sure to review these and understand why certain answers were correct or incorrect. This will help you to not make the same mistakes on the real deal.

Stay Relaxed and Rested

Finally, ensure you're well-rested before the actual exam day. A fresh mind can think more clearly, work more efficiently, and is less prone to errors. Maintain a regular sleep schedule, eat healthily, and take breaks in your studying to keep your stress levels low. Remember, the key to performance is as much in preparation as it is in self-care.

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easyJet Assessments FAQs

Is there a dress code for the assessment center?

Yes - the most important thing to bear in mind is that you should aim to look smart and professional.

What is easyJet looking for in an applicant?

easyJet looks for motivated individuals who are passionate about customer service and have a positive attitude. The company also values professional qualifications such as a degree or certificate relevant to their job application. In addition, knowledge of different cultures and languages can be beneficial as easyJet operates in multiple countries across Europe.

What are easyJet's core values?

easyJets' core values are safety, always challenging cost, being warm and welcoming, making a positive difference, and living "the orange spirit".

How can I prepare for the easyJet assessments?

You can practice free easyJet assessments using our online platform. Practicing tests will help you become familiar with the test format and gradually improve your score.