Situational Judgement Tests

Situational judgement tests assess how you deal with scenarios and challenges that come up in the workplace.

  • What are situational judgement tests?

    Situational judgement tests assess how you would react to certain scenarios in a work environment. There’ll be different challenges and hypothetical problems to be solved. Employers will be able to see from your answers where your strengths and weaknesses lie. This will help determine whether you’re the right candidate for the role.

    The main competencies being tested are your communication skills, commercial awareness, relationship building and teamwork. All these skills are essential in almost all aviation roles.

  • Why do employers use situational judgement tests?

    The aviation industry is all about people skills. Employers want to see how you communicate and how you’d deal with the wide variety of situations that you’ll deal with on a day to day basis. It’s important to prove you have the skills to navigate the challenges of the everyday workplace in that sector.

    As the tests largely concentrate on your people skills, behavioural thinking and a good level of empathy are therefore necessary to succeed. Being able to effectively communicate and relate to others will help when taking the situational judgement tests.

  • What is the situational judgement test format?

    Situational judgement tests involve a detailed scenario with a problem or challenge. From the multiple choice responses you’ll be able to choose the most appropriate answer, which shows how you’d react to the scenario you're faced with.

    In order to choose the correct answer you’ll need to rely on your reasoning and emotional intelligence. It's important to put yourself into that scenario and think from the point of view or the airline you’re hoping to work for.

    The number of questions and the amount of allotted time will vary from test to test, but typically candidates will be given one minute per question.

  • What skills does situational judgement test?

    Situational judgement tests are assessing your communication skills, commercial awareness, building relationships and teamwork to name just a few. Whilst the skills are quite varied, the scenarios are all work based and situations you’ll come across on a day to day basis in the aviation industry.

    As the tests are timed you’ll also be showing how well you work under pressure. We highly recommend trying out some practice judgement tests first so you can improve any weak areas and get comfortable with the test format.

Sample Situational Judgement Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

During your tenure at the company, you've seen numerous initiatives driven by employees fail due to a lack of support from leadership. You have an idea that could save costs significantly, but you're aware of the historical context. How do you proceed?

  • Keep the idea to yourself to avoid potential rejection by leadership.
  • Submit the idea through formal channels and wait for feedback, making no further action.
  • Build a detailed proposal and seek buy-in from colleagues before presenting it to leadership with a united front.
  • Discuss the idea informally with leadership to gauge interest before investing time in a proposal.

During a team meeting, you notice two colleagues are having a silent disagreement that is starting to visibly affect the rest of the team. As a team leader, what is the most appropriate action to take?

  • Postpone the meeting until the colleagues have resolved their differences.
  • Continue the meeting as if nothing is happening to avoid derailing the agenda.
  • Address the tension in the room by asking the colleagues if they'd like to share their concerns with the group.
  • Confront the two colleagues after the meeting to discuss their behavior.

You have been assigned to manage a project that is behind schedule. The team seems demotivated and lacks a clear path forward. Which initial step should you take to get the project on track?

  • Identify the project's critical issues and address them with top management.
  • Organize a team meeting to collectively reassess the project timeline and delegate tasks accordingly.
  • Start by completing smaller tasks to quickly show progress, without consulting the team.
  • Reassign responsibilities to more efficient team members without discussing it with the current task owners.

In an important strategic meeting, your manager overlooks a significant risk in the proposed plan which could have severe repercussions. Your manager has a reputation for not liking to be corrected in public. How do you handle this situation?

  • Quietly agree with the plan to avoid confrontation.
  • Immediately point out the oversight assertively during the meeting.
  • Suggest revisiting the risk assessment of the plan without directly pointing out the mistake.
  • Wait until after the meeting to privately discuss the risk with your manager.

A colleague of yours has delivered a project with some minor errors that escaped during the quality check you both conducted. The mistake is now affecting client satisfaction. As part of the project team, how should you approach this issue?

  • Blame the colleague publicly to ensure your own reputation is not tarnished.
  • Take full responsibility for the oversight and apologize to the client, even though it was not solely your mistake.
  • Collaborate with your colleague to correct the errors and discuss how to improve the quality check process.
  • Report the colleague to your supervisor to prevent future mistakes.

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Situational Judgement Tests Tips

Understand the Scenario

Read each situational judgement scenario carefully. Take in the details and understand the context before you select an answer.

Be Consistent

Your responses should consistently reflect a coherent value system and work ethic. Consistency in your answers shows reliability.

Practice Makes Perfect

Familiarity with these types of questions can greatly increase your comfort level. On Careerroo, you can take these practice tests for free, which could help you feel more prepared.

Think Like an Employer

Imagine what decisions would be favorable from an employer's standpoint, while being true to your own ethical standards.

Focus on Key Values

Assume which core values the company might be looking for and prioritize these in your responses, such as teamwork, initiative, or customer care.

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Situational Judgement Tests FAQs

What is this test used for?

These tests are utilized by employers to evaluate your fit for various roles by understanding how you would handle workplace scenarios. They give insight into your decision-making process and compatibility with the company's culture.

What do these tests involve?

These tests present you with realistic, hypothetical situations that you may encounter in the aviation sector. Your task is to choose how you would respond, demonstrating your problem-solving and decision-making skills.

What do these tests measure?

Our tests leverage cutting-edge technology to provide dynamic and current questions that accurately measure how well you align with industry-standard values and behavioral expectations in the aviation sector.

Where can I practice these tests?

You can practice various situational judgement tests ideal for the aviation job market right here on Careerroo, where a wide array of practice exams is available at your fingertips.

Which employers use these tests?

Numerous employers in the aviation industry use situational judgement tests as a part of their hiring process, making them a crucial step in landing a job within this field.


What our customers say about our Situational Judgement Tests

  • Spain

    June 01, 2022

    Find how to adjust own personality and attitude to task requirement

    Liked that it is general and not subject / field-oriented. Do not necessarily agree with the options provided to choose from.

  • Malaysia

    January 03, 2023

    Situational Judgement Test

    practice test and timed test questions are the same, which doesn't help much in revising, but questions are good for situational judgement.

  • Moldova, Republic of

    November 03, 2023


    The scenarios and instructions should be clearly outlined to avoid any confusion. It's important to ensure that the context and expectations are well-explained to the participant.