Flydubai Psychometric Assessments

Prepare for the Flydubai recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

About Flydubai

FlyDubai is a low-cost airline that operates over 90 destinations across the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Known for its affordable fares and excellent service, FlyDubai has quickly become a major player in the aviation industry.

The airline's modern fleet of aircraft, commitment to safety, and dedication to providing an exceptional travel experience makes it an attractive choice for passengers and a desirable employer for professionals seeking a rewarding career in the aviation industry.

FlyDubai is an attractive employer for aviation professionals if you're looking to join an airline to propel your career.

Roles at Flydubai

FlyDubai offers a wide range of roles and career paths for individuals with diverse skill sets and interests. Some of the main roles and fields include:

  • Pilots: As the backbone of the airline, pilots are responsible for safely transporting passengers and cargo to their destinations. FlyDubai employs both experienced pilots and those with limited experience through its cadet pilot program.
  • Cabin Crew: Cabin crew members are responsible for ensuring passenger safety and comfort during flights. They provide exceptional customer service, handle emergencies, and represent the FlyDubai brand.
  • Engineering and Maintenance: Engineers and maintenance staff are responsible for maintaining the airline's fleet of aircraft, ensuring they meet safety and operational standards.
  • Operations: Operations roles encompass a variety of responsibilities, including flight dispatch, ground handling, and air traffic control.
  • Corporate and Support Services: These roles include functions such as human resources, finance, marketing, and IT, which support the airline's overall operations and growth.

Flydubai Culture, Values And Benefits

FlyDubai's culture is built on its core values of excellence, teamwork, innovation, and commitment to providing a positive customer experience. Employees are encouraged to think creatively, collaborate, and take initiative in their roles.

FlyDubai also places a strong emphasis on professional development, offering training and development opportunities to help employees advance their careers.

Benefits of working at FlyDubai include competitive salaries, comprehensive health and wellness plans, travel benefits, and a supportive work environment that fosters personal and professional growth.

Flydubai Application Process

Online Application

Interested candidates can apply for open positions through FlyDubai's career portal. Applicants must create a profile and submit a resume, cover letter, and any relevant supporting documents. It is important to check for errors in your application to demonstrate strong attention to detail.

You'll also be asked a series of qualifying questions to ensure you meet the minimum requirements.

Initial Screening

The FlyDubai recruitment team reviews applications and shortlists candidates based on their qualifications, experience, and alignment with the company's values and requirements. You may be invited to participate in a telephone or video interview during this stage so the recruiter can get to know you and clarify any questions you may have.

Flydubai Psychometric Assessment

Shortlisted candidates may be required to complete psychometric tests designed to assess their skills, abilities, and suitability for the role.

FlyDubai may use a variety of aptitude tests to assess candidates' - the tests used will depend on the position and may include the following:

Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning test measures a candidate's ability to interpret, analyze, and draw conclusions from numerical data presented in graphs, charts, and tables. Candidates may be required to perform calculations, identify trends, or make predictions based on the data provided.

To prepare for numerical reasoning tests, practice solving problems involving percentages, ratios, and basic arithmetic, and familiarize yourself with different types of data representations.

Verbal Reasoning Test

The verbal reasoning test evaluates a candidate's ability to understand, interpret, and analyze written information. Candidates may be asked to identify the main ideas, draw conclusions, or make inferences based on short passages of text.

To prepare for verbal reasoning tests, practice reading comprehension exercises and focus on improving your reading speed and accuracy.

Abstract Reasoning Test

The abstract reasoning test assesses a candidate's ability to identify patterns, relationships, and logical rules in abstract shapes and images. Candidates may be asked to complete a series of images or identify the next image in a sequence based on the underlying pattern.

To prepare for abstract reasoning tests, practice working with geometric shapes, puzzles, and visual patterns to develop your spatial reasoning skills.

Situational Judgment Test

The situational judgment test measures a candidate's ability to respond effectively to work-related scenarios. Candidates are presented with hypothetical situations and must choose the most appropriate course of action from a list of options. To prepare for situational judgment tests, familiarize yourself with FlyDubai's values and culture, and consider how you would apply these principles in different work situations.

Personality Test

Personality tests are designed to assess a candidate's personal traits, such as leadership style, communication skills, and adaptability. These tests may be used to determine whether a candidate is a good fit for the company culture and the specific role. To prepare for personality tests, reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, and consider how your personal traits align with FlyDubai's values and expectations.

Flydubai Video Assessment

The Flydubai Video Assessment is a crucial part of the airline's recruitment process, specifically designed to evaluate candidates' communication skills, presence, and suitability for a role. This assessment is typically carried out through an online platform called HireVue, where candidates are required to record and submit video responses to a series of pre-recorded questions. These questions may cover various topics, such as customer service, teamwork, and conflict resolution, as well as personal motivations and aspirations for joining the airline industry. The video assessment allows recruiters to gain a better understanding of a candidate's personality and potential fit within the company culture.

As you prepare for the Flydubai Video Assessment, expect to be given a set time frame in which to record and submit your responses, typically around 2-3 minutes per question. It is essential to practice effective time management, as the assessment is designed to evaluate how well you can think on your feet and respond concisely. Additionally, you should ensure that your recording setup is professional, with adequate lighting and a quiet environment free from distractions. Dress appropriately and maintain good posture, as your appearance and demeanor will also be taken into consideration.

In order to succeed in the Flydubai Video Assessment, it's crucial to research the company and its core values, as well as familiarize yourself with common interview questions in the airline industry. Practicing your responses and honing your communication skills will go a long way in helping you stand out as a strong candidate. Remember that the assessment is an opportunity for you to showcase your personality, so be genuine, confident, and enthusiastic in your responses.

Final Interview(s)

Candidates who pass the aptitude tests are invited to participate in interviews, which may be conducted in person, or through video conferencing. Interviews typically involve behavioral and technical questions related to the role.

Successful candidates are selected based on their performance in the aptitude tests and interviews. Offers are extended, and candidates must undergo background checks and, in some cases, medical examinations before commencing employment.

Sample Flydubai Psychometric Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Following a procedural update, a set of guidelines was distributed stating that all flight.deck crew should complete a pre-flight checklist in no less than fifteen minutes to ensure thoroughness. What is the main purpose of this procedural update?

  • To extend the duration of pre-flight preparations
  • To increase overall flight safety by ensuring proper checks
  • To occupy flight crew for a longer period before a flight
  • To test the flight crew's ability to follow new guidelines

If a low-cost airline invests $120 million in new aircraft technology, which it believes will save 12% annually on its $50 million fuel cost, approximately how long will it take for the savings to equal the initial investment?

  • 20 years
  • 10 years
  • 8 years
  • 15 years

You receive a report detailing passenger numbers over a ten-month period, with a consistent increase of 15% per month. If you started with 1,000 passengers in the first month, which expression would be used to calculate the estimated passenger number in the tenth month?

  • 1,000 × (1.15)^10
  • 1,000 × (0.15 × 10)
  • 1,000 / (1 - 0.15)^10
  • 1,000 / (1 + 1.5)^10

In a press release, an aviation company reports introducing an advanced booking system which has increased ticket sales by 7% in comparison to the previous year. If the total ticket sales for this year amount to $107 million, what was the total for the previous year?

  • $100 million
  • $114.49 million
  • $97 million
  • $107.7 million

While reviewing a contract, a clause stipulates 'The party may terminate the agreement with immediate effect in case of a persistent breach of contractual duties not remedied within a period of 30 days.' What does 'persistent breach' mean in this context?

  • A one-time, severe breach
  • Multiple breaches occurring over an extended period
  • Any breach, regardless of severity or frequency
  • Breaches that occur twice

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Flydubai Psychometric Assessments Tips

Familiarize Yourself with the Format

Getting to know the structure of the exams you'll face is as crucial as knowing the content itself. On Careerroo, you'll find practice exams modeled after FlyDubai aptitude tests that give you a feel for the question formats, time limits, and topics covered. This way, you won't be caught off guard on test day, and you can manage your time effectively.

Understand the Job Role

Each aviation job has specific requirements and FlyDubai is no exception. Before you start practicing, take a moment to research the roles at FlyDubai. This will give you a clear idea of what knowledge areas and skills are likely to be tested and allow you to focus your preparation effectively.

Implement a Study Schedule

Consistency is key when preparing for any exam. Develop a study timetable leading up to the test day, and use the Careerroo resources to stick to a structured study plan. Consistent practice will help you gain confidence and improve your performance.

Simulate Testing Conditions

One of the best ways to ensure success is by simulating the exam environment during practice. Find a quiet space, set a timer, and complete the Careerroo practice exams without interruptions. This will help you adjust to the pressure of the actual exam day.

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  • 8 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 93 Employer packages
  • 12 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
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  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
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Flydubai Psychometric Assessments FAQs

What should I wear to a FlyDubai interview?

Dress professionally for your FlyDubai interview, opting for business attire, such as a suit and tie for men or a conservative dress or pantsuit for women.

How long does the FlyDubai recruitment process take?

The FlyDubai recruitment process takes 4-8 weeks from the initial application to the final job offer.

How can I prepare for FlyDubai aptitude tests?

To prepare for FlyDubai aptitude tests, familiarize yourself with the types of tests you may encounter and practice solving problems related to the specific skills being assessed.

Will I receive feedback on my aptitude test performance?

FlyDubai may not provide individual feedback on aptitude test performance. However, candidates who successfully pass the tests and proceed to the interview stage may receive feedback on their overall performance during the recruitment process.