Rolls Royce Assessments

Prepare for the Rolls Royce recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

About Rolls Royce

Rolls Royce, popularly known for its luxury motor cars is also a multinational aerospace and defence company that was formed in 1904 - distributing the power systems for aviation and many other industries.

The aerospace business builds both commercial and military gas turbine engines for military, civil, and corporate aircraft customers worldwide. In the U.S, the company makes engines for regional and corporate jets, helicopters, and turboprop aircraft.

If you are looking for a career in aerospace, Rolls Royce should be a top choice when searching for a new role. If working with cutting-edge technologies that deliver clean, safe & competitive solutions interests you, learn more about what it takes to get hired at Rolls Royce Aerospace division.

If applying for a role you should ensure your skills and values reflect the core values of Rolls Royce:

  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Reliability

Rolls Royce Application Process

Rolls-Royce is keen to attract top candidates and activity encourages upskilling through its word-class training in both science and engineering.

Being such a high demand workplace, the recruitment process can be competitive so it's important to prepare for each stage of the hiring process to ensure maximum chance of success.

The online aptitude tests are particularly important to practice to ensure your test score is reflective of the top 50% of test-takers. This should help ensure you are shortlisted during the early stages of the pre-screening process.

Rolls Royce Online Application

The online application is completed via Rolls Royce and requires you to enter personal specific information about you, your work experience and your education.

The “about you” section requires you to answer competency-based questions. For example, what are your interests, hobbies and skills relevant to the Rolls Royce position as well as your motivations for applying.

Another important aspect of the application process is to ensure you meet all the requirements of the role such as the degree classification (typically 2:1) and that this is your only application.

If successful you might be invited to participate in a series of online aptitude tests. These tests are important to prepare for and practice.

Rolls Royce Aptitude Tests

Rolls Royce sends you your assessment via email and you are given approximately 10 days to complete them all.

Rolls-Royce uses cut-e tests, and CEB SHL tests depending on the role you have applied for.

The main aptitude tests you will need to complete are:

  • Situational judgement test
  • Numerical reasoning test
  • Verbal reasoning test
  • Logical reasoning test

Rolls Royce Situational Judgement Test

The situational judgement test is an assessment that tests your ability to make good choices during work-related scenarios. You must pick the best and worst responses from a series of statements that relate to your position.

The test helps Rolls Royce understand skills and the ability to make decisions. The scenarios you are presented with are not always obvious what the right answer could be so it's important to reflect on the culture and values of Rolls Royce which can help. Although there are no right or wrong answers for this assessment, it's important to try to make strategic decisions.

Rolls Royce Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning test is a type of aptitude test that examines how well you can solve math concepts and problems. You will be presented with multiple-choice questions with 12 minutes to answer the test.

The additional complexity of the test comes from being timed, which helps Rolls Royce assess how you perform under pressure. This helps simulate what it might be like in a real-life work scenario where you have to think quickly on your feet to solve problems efficiently and come to the correct answer.

Rolls Royce Verbal Reasoning Test

The verbal reasoning test is an assessment of how well you comprehend in-depth and detailed written information. Typically, you will give 12 minutes to answer a range of multiple-choice questions based on short paragraphs of information that you must read.

The challenge for this test is to determine which statements are true, false or if you cannot tell. This will help Rolls Royce assess your ability to work accurately, attentively and quickly.

Rolls Royce Logical Reasoning Test

The logical reasoning test is a type of aptitude test that assesses your non-verbal reasoning skills.

During the test, you are presented with a series of shapes and must determine the connections or identify the odd one out. This is perhaps the most challenging of all the tests and is particularly important to practice beforehand. It is also timed adding further complexity with time pressure.

Rolls Royce Assessment Centre

The final stage of the recruitment process is the Rolls Royce assessment centre. The assessment centre is broken down into 6 stages (depending on your role).

  • Interview(s)
  • Presentation
  • Case study and written test
  • Group activity
  • Aptitude tests

Rolls Royce Interviews

During the assessment centre, you will participate in a variety of interviews including a competency interview, motivational interview and for some roles a technical interview.

At this stage, it's worth refreshing your memory on your application and CV as you will need to be prepared to talk about your experience, skills and achievements.

The competency interview includes discussions around developing personal relationships, management and teamwork. You may be asked when you have been required to plan, design or develop something.

The motivational interview will be your opportunity to discuss your personal achievements and why you want to work for Rolls Royce.

The technical interview is role dependent. If you have applied for a technical role such as an aerospace engineer you are likely to do a technical interview. This will involve concepts and problem-solving so it's important to familiarise yourself again with the role, research the company thoroughly and ensure that you can relate your skills to each competency on the job description and person specification.

Rolls Royce Presentation

The next part of the Rolls Royce assessment is the delivery of a ten-minute presentation. A sample presentation topic might be “Describe the reason you want to work in the aerospace division for Rolls-Royce”.

The topic is shared with you weeks in advance of the assessment centre so you have time to prepare for it.

Rolls Royce are looking at your ability to communicate your ideas clearly, your confidence as well as your organisation and presentation skills.

Rolls Royce Case study And Written Test

Following on from the presentation activity you will have to complete a case study and written test. A brief will be given containing a scenario and then a variety of solutions. It is your job to review each option and choose one - providing your reasoning on why you have done so.

Rolls Royce Group Activity

The group activity (usually 8 to10 people) assesses your ability to work well in a team. Candidates are placed into groups and given a problem to solve. Working together in your team, you have 1 hour to read the scenario, review the options and present which decision you have chosen to make.

The assessors are looking for team players, how you interact with others and how you apply the values of the company to find the best outcome.

Rolls Royce Aptitude Test Resits

You might be required to resit some aptitude tests in person. This is to ensure candidates who took the pre-screening tests didn't get external help or cheat. You may also be given additional tests such as a personality assessment to test cultural fit.

Rolls Royce Final Interview

The final interview is a chance to speak 1:1 with the hiring manager to discuss the role and any specific questions you have.

For any interviews conducted it's always useful to use the STAR method when answering (situation, task, action, response).

Sample Rolls Royce Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

A statement in a report reads: 'The introduction of advanced composite materials has considerably reduced the weight of aerospace components.' What assumption is inherently being made in this statement?

  • Lightweight materials are always more expensive.
  • Advanced composite materials are lighter than the materials they replace.
  • Weight is not a significant factor in aerospace component design.
  • The report is focused solely on costs savings.

If the average cost to produce a single turbine engine is $1.2 million, and a factory has a monthly output of 25 engines, what is the total production cost for a year?

  • $360 million
  • $300 million
  • $3.6 million
  • $30 million

The retreat of glaciers in the polar regions causes concerns due to potential impacts on sea levels. Which of the following best summarizes the primary implication discussed in this sentence?

  • Recreational skiing may become less appealing.
  • Polar bear habitats are at risk.
  • Changes in sea levels
  • Increased shipping routes in the Arctic

A sequence of ratios is formed by the production of aircraft engines to hours worked: 8:320, 10:400, and so forth. What would be the ratio for a team that produces 15 engines?

  • 15:580
  • 15:600
  • 15:700
  • 15:750

During a strategic meeting, three different proposals for a new engine part design are discussed. If the probability of proposal A being selected is double that of proposal B, and the probability of proposal C being selected is half that of proposal B, what are the chances that proposal C will be chosen if proposal B has a 1 in 5 probability?

  • 20%
  • 40%
  • 10%
  • 5%

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Rolls Royce Assessments Tips

Get Familiar with Industry Standards

Before you tackle the Rolls Royce practice exams on Careerroo, take some time to familiarize yourself with the aerospace and defence industry standards. Rolls Royce isn't just about luxury cars; they're leaders in sophisticated engineering for aviation and beyond. Understanding the context in which these tests are given can give you a leg up. You’ll be able to connect the questions to real-world applications, making your responses that much more pointed and relevant.

Keep a Cool Head

The nerves can really pile on when you know you’re sitting for an exam that could pave the way to your dream job at Rolls Royce. A key tip? Stay as calm as you can. Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques before starting a practice test on Careerroo. The cooler your head, the more clearly you'll think, and the better you'll perform. This coolness will also come in handy when you're faced with the actual exam.

Time Management is Key

You've heard it before, but we'll say it again: manage your time well. On Careerroo, we provide practice exams that simulate the real thing, including how much time you have to complete each section. Use this opportunity to get a sense of how long you spend on each question and learn to pace yourself. Efficient time management can mean the difference between a rushed, incomplete exam and a well-executed one.

Reflect on Mistakes and Learn

After each practice test on Careerroo, take a moment to go over the answers, especially the ones you got wrong. Understanding where and why you made a mistake is invaluable for your learning process. Turn each error into a teachable moment and adapt your approach in your next practice session. Continuous improvement is what can set you apart from other candidates seeking a role at Rolls Royce.

Keep the Bigger Picture in Mind

As you grind through practice exams for Rolls Royce, remember to keep your eye on the prize. Each test you take on Careerroo is gearing you up for a thriving career in an exciting and prestigious sector. With each question you answer and each challenge you overcome, you're not just prepping for a test – you’re building the foundation of your future career.

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Rolls Royce Assessments FAQs

What skills do I need to get hired by Rolls Royce?

To get hired at Rolls Royce, you need skills such as technical expertise, problem-solving, communication, teamwork, innovation, and adaptability.

What are Rolls Royce's core values?

Rolls Royce's core values are trust, delivering excellence, working with integrity, and operating safely.

How can I prepare for the Rolls Royce assessments?

You can practice free Rolls Royce assessments using our online platform. Practicing tests will help you become familiar with the test format and gradually improve your score.